A (Free) Radical New Approach to Type 2 Diabetes

You’ve certainly heard of diabetes, a sinister metabolic disease that afflicts a half-billion people worldwide. But unless you have diabetes or know someone who has it, you might not know about the different types of diabetes.
Well, read on for a little Diabetes 101 and to learn how SciMar NuPa Daily can play a role in your health.
There’s type 1 diabetes (formerly known as juvenile diabetes), a condition where your pancreas produces very little insulin or no insulin at all. Insulin is a hormone you need to convert glucose into energy. Type 1 diabetes can be managed, but there is no cure right now.
Perhaps you’ve heard of type 3 diabetes. It’s a newer term, but is increasingly used when talking about Alzheimer’s disease. With Alzheimer’s disease, the neurons in your brain stop responding to insulin which, over time, makes it more difficult to perform tasks, learn, and remember.
And then there’s type 2. This is SciMar’s research sweet spot (forgive the sugar reference).
With type 2 diabetes, your cells aren’t responding properly to insulin, so your pancreas produces more to get a response. That’s not good. In other words, your metabolism isn’t working the way it should, and the consequences can be dire.
Type 2 diabetes is largely a lifestyle disease brought on by poor diet, too little exercise, too much stress, and, well, getting older.
While hundreds of millions of people take medication for type 2 diabetes, many suffer terrible outcomes (organ failure, blindness, amputation, death) and rates of the disease are skyrocketing. That’s unacceptable, and it suggests that the current conventional wisdom on diabetes isn’t complete. So, maybe after a century of looking at the disease only through the lens of insulin, it’s time for a little unconventional wisdom. Enter SciMar and the hepatalin* hormone.
Hepatalin is a hormone produced by the liver. It was originally discovered in 1996 by Dr. W. Wayne Lautt, SciMar’s Chief Scientific Officer. That discovery opened the doors to a new way to look at metabolic health. Dr. Lautt, Professor Emeritus at the University of Manitoba in Canada, has concluded the type 2 diabetes picture needs to include an understanding of free radicals, which are unstable molecules that can damage your cells.
“It appears that the initiating damage that results in prediabetes and progresses to full stage type 2 diabetes involves free radical disruption of the parasympathetic nerves in the liver, and possibly the heart, and even the central nervous system,” explains Dr. Lautt. “The combination of the antioxidants in SciMar NuPa Daily are specifically designed to protect all components of the cell, which would also protect the parasympathetic nerves from free radical damage.”
It’s as simple (and as complicated) as that. SciMar NuPa Daily’s unique and carefully calibrated formula of Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and SAMe (S-adenosyl-L-methionine) works to stop the damage caused by free radicals, and is designed to protect the liver’s production of hepatalin. As Dr. Lautt has learned, hepatalin works together with insulin to ensure the right mount of glucose gets stored in fat and the right amount in muscle (a process called nutrient partitioning—that’s where the Nu and Pa come from). When your nutrient partitioning is in proper balance, you are better equipped to defend your body against type 2 diabetes.
So, try SciMar NuPa Daily today for your metabolism and overall well-being.
We encourage you to speak with your healthcare provider before taking SciMar NuPa Daily. This is especially important if you are taking antidepressants, including selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) and monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors.
*In the academic literature, hepatalin was originally known as hepatic insulin-sensitizing substance (the HISS hormone).